template CProcess

Represent a task that run along side the main tick function.This process will only stop if stop is called as many time as start was called.Function to Override:- main: Main function that is repeated as long as the process is running- onStart: callback when the process is star. Cannot be called if the process was is running- onStop: callback when the process is stop. Cannot be called if the process was not running

loading void reload()

Restart the process on load. (JAVA Only)

void crash()

Detect maxCommandChainLength extended, and stop process if more than 10 in a row

void start()

Start the process

@process.main void run()

Main loop for the process (JAVA Only)

ticking void mainLoop()

Main loop for the process (Bedrock Only)

void stop()

Stop the process

void waitFor(void=>void fct)

Add a callback for when the process stop

@process.count void __count__()

Count the number of active process

@process.stop void stopall()

Stop the process

void onStop()

void onStart()