lazy void setMainHand(mcobject item, int count)

Set the current entity's mainhand to item with count

lazy void setOffHand(mcobject item, int count)

Set the current entity's offhand to item with count

lazy void setHotbar(int slotID, mcobject item, int count)

Set the current entity's hotbar slot slotID to item with count

lazy void setHotbar(mcobject item, int count)

Set the current entity's whole hotbar to item with count

lazy void setHotbarRange(int min, int max, mcobject item, int count)

Set the multiple slot int current entity's hotbar to item with count.Slot goes from min to max both included.

lazy void clearHotbar()

Clear the hotbar of the current entity

lazy void setInventorySlot(int index, mcobject item, int count)

Set the inventory slot index of the current entity to item with count

lazy void setHelmet(mcobject item, int count)

Set the current entity's helmet to item with count

lazy void setChestplate(mcobject item, int count)

Set the current entity's chestplate to item with count

lazy void setLeggings(mcobject item, int count)

Set the current entity's leggings to item with count

lazy void setBoots(mcobject item, int count)

Set the current entity's boots to item with count

predicate isHoldingItem

predicate isHoldingItem

predicate isHoldingItem

lazy bool isHoldingItem(mcobject item, int count)

lazy void clear()

Clear the current entity's inventory

lazy void clear(mcobject $item)

Clear the current entity's inventory of item

lazy void clear(mcobject $item, int $count)

Clear the current entity's inventory of item with count

lazy int clearCount()

Clear the current entity's inventory and return the number of items cleared

lazy int clearCount(mcobject item)

Clear the current entity's inventory of item and return the number of items cleared

lazy int clearCount(mcobject item, int count)

Clear the current entity's inventory of item with a max of count and return the number of items cleared