struct Time

Struct to represent time

void __init__()

void __init__(int t)

void __init__(int h, int m, int s)

void __init__(int h, int m, int s, int t)

lazy void __add__(int i)

lazy void __add__(Time? other)

lazy void __sub__(int i)

lazy void __sub__(Time? other)

lazy void __set__(int i)

lazy void __set__(Time? other)

lazy void __mult__(int i)

lazy void __mult__(Time? other)

lazy void __div__(int i)

lazy void __div__(Time? other)

lazy void __mod__(int i)

lazy void __mod__(Time? other)

lazy bool __smaller__(int i)

lazy bool __smaller__(Time? other)

lazy bool __smaller_or_equals__(int i)

lazy bool __smaller_or_equals__(Time? other)

lazy bool __bigger__(int i)

lazy bool __bigger__(Time? other)

lazy bool __bigger_or_equals__(int i)

lazy bool __bigger_or_equals__(Time? other)

lazy int inMilliseconds()

Return the total amount of milliseconds

lazy int getMilliseconds()

Return the milliseconds part of the time

lazy int inSeconds()

Return the total amount of seconds

lazy int getTick()

Return the ticks part of the time

lazy int getSeconds()

Return the seconds part of the time

lazy int inMinutes()

Return the total amount of minutes

lazy int getMinutes()

Return the minutes part of the time

lazy int inHours()

Return the total amount of hours

lazy int getHours()

Return the hours part of the time

lazy int inDay()

Return the total amount of days

lazy int getDay()

Return the days part of the time

lazy rawjson __toJson__()