lazy void swap(entity $a, entity $b)

Swap the position of the entity $a and $b

lazy void despawn(entity e)

Despawn the entity e without killing it

predicate onFire

predicate isSneaking

predicate isSprinting

predicate isSwimming

predicate isBaby

lazy bool onGround()

Return true if the entity is on the ground

bool onGround()

Return true if the entity is on the ground

predicate overworld

predicate the_end

predicate nether

predicate dimension

lazy void angerAngaist(entity $e)

Anger the entity @s against e

lazy void angerAngaist(entity e1, entity e2)

Anger the entity e1 against e2

lazy int count(entity e)

Count the number of entity in e

lazy int count(entity e, bool p)

Count the number of entity in e that match the predicate

lazy int count(entity e, void=>bool p)

Count the number of entity in e that match the predicate