T? abs<T>(T? x)

Return the absolute value of x

T? max<T>(T? a, T? b)

Return the max between the a and b

T? min<T>(T? a, T? b)

Return the min between the a and b

bool isClose(float x, float y, float maxDiff)

return true if difference between x and y smaller than maxDiff

float sqrt(float value)

return squart root of value

float root(float n)

int factorial(int x)

return x!

float pow(float x, int n, float m)

return x^n

int pow(int x, int n)

return x^n

T? sign<T>(T? value)

Return sign of the argument-1 if value smaller than 01 otherwise

float round(float value)

Round float to closest value

float floor(float value)

Round float to lowest value

float ceil(float value)

Round float to upper value

T? clamp<T>(T? value, T? a, T? b)

Clamp the value between a and b

(T?,T?) sorted<T>(T? a, T? b)

Return (a,b) if a <= b else return (b,a)

lazy float lerp(float a0, float a1, float w)

Return the linear interpolated value of a0 and a1 with coefficient w

float linearLerp(float a0, float a1, float w)

Return the linear interpolated value of a0 and a1 with coefficient w

float smoothLerp(float a0, float a1, float w)

Return the 3rd degree interpolated value of a0 and a1 with coefficient w

float sin(float angle)

Compute the sinus of the angle in degrees with a taylor series

float cos(float angle)

Compute the cossinus of the angle in degrees with a taylor series

float tan(float angle)

Compute the tangente of the angle in degrees with a taylor series

float asin(float angle)

Compute the arcsinus of the angle in degrees with a taylor series

float acos(float angle)

Compute the arccossinus of the angle in degrees with a taylor series

float atan(float angle)

Compute the arctangente of the angle in degrees with a taylor series

float atan2(float y, float x)

Compute the arctangente of the angle in degrees with a taylor series

float sqrt2(float value)

Compute the square root of the value with a taylor series

float log(float x)

Compute the log of x with a taylor series

float exp(float x)

Compute the exp of x with a taylor series

float pow(float x, float y)

Compute the pow of x with a taylor series